P.E. & School Games
P.E. at Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School plays a vital part of everyday school life.
All pupils have two hours of P.E. timetabled each week to cover the six main areas of the National Curriculum which are: Dance, Gymnastics, Games, Swimming, Athletics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA). We teach swimming to children in Year 3,4,5 and 6 at the swimming pool at Framlingham College, with 'taster' sessions in Year 2. A healthy lifestyle is regularly promoted.
In addition to the curriculum, the children can participate in numerous lunch time and after school sports clubs which may include Running, Tag-Rugby, Games, Football, Hockey, Rounders, Netball, Dance, Cricket, Basketball, and Tennis. A selection of clubs are offered at different times throughout the school year.
Fun, enjoyment, confidence, competence and self-esteem are the forefront of our PE delivery. Children in Nursery, Reception and KS1 develop the fundamental skills such as aiming and throwing, balance, co-ordination, control, and movement. In KS2 children can use these fundamental skills to develop their knowledge and understanding of Invasion Games such as Football, Basketball, Netball, Tag-Rugby and Hockey. These skills are also transferrable to striking and fielding games such as Cricket and Rounders, together with net games such as Tennis and Volleyball.
PE Curriculum Statement
Intent - What do we want children to learn?
At Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, Physical Education (PE) is an important part of our Curriculum and engages all pupils. Our emphasis for our PE curriculum is inclusion for all children including SEND, engagement in physical activity, where they can develop their practical skills and enjoy a broad range of sports and physical activities.
We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities using and adapting the Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work for Physical Education enabling children to enjoy learning new physical skills, build on resilience, teamwork, fairness, respect and for children to strive to do their best.
As a school we understand the significance PE, Physical Activity and School Sport has on childrens’ mental wellbeing, general health and fitness. Therefore, we strive to provide as many opportunities for all children to be physically active and teach them the importance of leading healthy and active lives. All children in KS2 have swimming lessons as a part of their PE lessons, this is an important life skill we aspire for all children to learn.
During the school day there are a variety of clubs available for children to participate in at lunch times and after school. These clubs are run by staff and premier sport, to provide children with opportunities to try new physical activities and to take part in sports they enjoy.
Children also participate in competitive sport events these are mainly aimed at KS2. The children are taught how to effectively work as a part of a team and compete appropriately against others, following important values in life of teamwork, fairness, resilience, sportsmanship and respect.
Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?
PE at Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School provides learning through a range of sporting activities including; Dance, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, such as football, hockey, netball, basketball etc, Net & Wall Games, such as tennis, Strike and Field Games, such as rounders and cricket, Athletics, Outdoor & Adventure Activities and Swimming.
The Long Term PE Curriculum Overview shows the PE Units/Activities which are to be taught each half term during the course of the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. The children have the recommended PE time of a minimum of 90 minutes to 2 hours a week. Here the children participate in two PE lessons every week, covering two sporting activities every half term aiming for one to be an indoor sport and the other as an outdoor sport (season depending). Throughout the academic school year, each year group in KS2 will have a block of five swimming lessons per class.
The Cambridgeshire Scheme of Work enables staff to follow, use and adapt accordingly to plan and deliver lessons appropriate for their class. This scheme ensures weekly lessons and year on year, progression. It provides a clear outline to assess children alongside teachers own formative assessment. All children are taught by their class teachers and by a PE coach one out of the two lessons a week.
Children are encouraged to participate in competitive events during lessons in house sports competitions half termly and out of school competitions. There is an annual House Sports day every year which further encourages the PE values and being a part of a team. Children in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular sports activities throughout the year.
Impact - What will it look like when we have achieved our intent?
At Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is engaging, inclusive and progressive to allow all children the opportunity to develop skills in a variety of different sports and activities to lead a healthy lifestyle. PE lessons are fun and achievable yet challenge children to strive to do the best of their ability in a supportive, safe and motivating environment.
Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their well-being and learning in the classroom. Children know how to lead a healthy lifestyle and recognise the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing. Through stimulating lessons, extra – curricular clubs we aim for all children to enjoy PE and develop an interest of sport and physical activity, which hopefully they would like to continue outside of Primary School. In PE, we also measure impact by regular learning walks, pupil voice and assessment.
Children are given the opportunity to participate in the School Games. As a school we have enjoyed much success competing at county, regional and national level. On a regular basis school fixtures are arranged in many sports which enables the children to be proud to represent their school. We also organise House Competitions.
In addition to the clubs offered at school, many of our pupils attend local clubs, click here to see our Local Club Links page
We regularly post School Games updates on our School Blog. Click here to visit this.
PE Home Learning - Useful links
Cricket - Cricket Victoria (2020) Coaching clips, available at: https://www.youtube.com/user/cricketvictoriaHQ/playlists
Cricket for Girls
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7YP-H4M_776n6rc-RrbpQDynamo's Cricket app
Gymnastics - AndrewRwls (2020) Playlist, available at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCojptawPeI9urgcFlaMrysQ
HIIT Training and fitness - Joe Wicks – Body Coach (2020) Playlist, available at: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/playlists
Home learning challengers - SATPE (2020) Home learning challengers, available at: https://education.gov.scot/media/p2npeimj/nih145-home-learning-challenges.pdf
Sudbury Primary school (2020) PE home learning, available at: https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/sudbury-primary-school/UploadedDocument/38af1ebc631a4f8c92665a383b3def6b/pe-home-learning-tasks.pdf
Sudbury Primary school (2020) PE theory home learning, available at: https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/sudbury-primary-school/UploadedDocument/5ba7d00a752440d096ab0f91cdd9aef2/pe-theory-home-learning.pdf
Football - Freekitckerz (2020) How to Improve Your Ball Control, Dribblings & Soccer Tricks by freekickerz, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pPWe8Rjl9U
Sports and Activities - Change 4 life (2020) Activities, sports and activities, available at: https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities/sports-and-activities
Yoga for younger years - Cosmic yoga (2020) Yoga with Jamie, available at: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Yoga for middle years - Story Hive (2020) Yoga with Sofia Khan, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X655B4ISakg&t=5s
Yoga for older years - Yoga with Adriene (2020) Yoga with Adriene channel, available at: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
Outdoor activities - National Trust (2020) 50-things-to-do, available at: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/50-things-to-do
DISCLAIMER: Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVAP School is not responsible for pages maintained by external providers or for the content held within them. The sites linked from our website have been identified as useful resources for providing additional information on some of the topics discussed on this site.
Premier Sports are utilised by the school to run some after-school clubs and they also run holiday clubs. For a link to their website click their logo: